As we travel on the road it is apparent that getting good gear is not easy. Now it can be! Feel free to place an order by simply sending me an email or calling me 410.227.0483 and it will be filled as soon as possible. It can either be shipped or you can pick it up at the next clinic in your area. If you decide to do it that way be sure to place your order a few months in advance to ensure it is ready by the time we are in your area. Each order will have an info sheet covering how to tie halter to lead rope, halter to horse and mecate to slobber straps, a few pieces of care info and some pictures to go with each.

These mecates have a wonderful feel and weight, distinct to being braided by hand; they are soft with a great feel to them. These mecates have a very attractive yet strong knot at the end that lies directly onto the slobber strap. There are a wide variety of colors and patterns to choose from. Mecates come in 8 or 12 strand braid options; this is only personal preference. When ordering a mecate be sure to indicate size (8 or 12 strand), colors (for an 8 strand there can be up to 4 and a 12 strand up to 6) and length (20 to 24 feet). The photos to the left are just 4 examples of some color and pattern combinations.
PRICE: $200.00
These are excellent quality headstalls; very good leather, impeccable craftsmanship, soft, beautiful and durable. There is one buckle on the left side, double stitched and these are sized to be very versatile.
Charley sends me variety; roller, brass, stainless and silver platted buckles. He also sends a variety in leather colors so be sure to see what I have and we can see what you like best!
Single Buckle Headstall – $80.00
Full Set (with Slobber Straps) – $90.00
Double Buckle Headstall (if available) – $85.00
Full Set (with Slobber Straps) – $95.00
Slobber Straps – $20.00
(Plus S&H)